Kite setup and flight

Possible setup variations on a single line kite for a good flight.
Bridle, attitude and other geometries on a kite, here The urban ninja ul.

Manual: floating without wind

1. assembly of the kite
2. the first flight
3. floating without wind
4. folding schemes, tube
5. setup, optional
6. security

Bridle setups

How different bridle setups modulate the flight characteristics of a single line zero wind kite. In general: adjust the bridle "light" at lively flights in no wind, or "heavy" at high static flights in some wind.

The high-start

Only a few of us keep calm before lift-off. But: the high start is a cool and solid method to bring the kite to a good height in no wind. Whether at the sea, in the mountains or indoors.

Fine-tuning the symmetry

A zero-wind single line kite, while performing a straight flight upwards, relies in particular on its perfect symmetry. That's why the setup of your symmetrical kite is important, for floating with a short line as well as for high flights.

Adjustments on small kites

Small single line zero-wind kites can be adjusted for flying indoor or outdoor in larger space, and for high flights in some wind also. Setups for diverse flight characteristics of your small kites: bridle, leading edge connectors, z-line and sail.

Assembly of the ibb-tiny-300

1. Untubing
2. Assembly
3. Flight
4. Folding
5. Tubing